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You are here:: Software Zeitgeist UCBS (Universal Cloud Backup System)

Zeitgeist UCBS Universal Cloud Backup System

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Backup any data, anytime, anywhere.
(Coming Soon, Free For All Existing Customers & Tech Services Customers)

Zeitgeist UCBS™ with LiveProtect.
any data, any time, to any destination

Zio gives you the flexibility and power to create a backup
that will meet your need. Backup your MS Outlook daily to
6 global datacenters. Backup your entire computer to a
USB drive nightly or backup My Documents to your iPod
each hour or engage LiveProtectTM to have Zio
watch your files and provide continuous real-time data
protection. You save it – we back it up offsite invisibly and
automatically, keeping an unlimited version history that lets
you roll-back to any point in time.
Local Backup

Online backup is invaluable but simply cannot protect
your entire computer. Using Zio local backup system,
you can backup your entire computer, open/locked files
and operating system files to any local medium, whether
it is an external USB drive, a local network location, a
USB stick or an iPod.
Zio provides Big-Business IT best-practice for the little
guy true multi-destination, multi-schedule backup that can
be adapted to meet your needs but at consumer price.
Zio is software as a service billed at a low monthly
subscription. A basic annual subscription costs less than
most stand-alone backup software packages let alone a
tape-drive or an external hard-drive.
Unlimited Number of Computers

Backup as many computers as you like using one
account. Over 60% of households have more than one
computer, and Zio allows you to backup and recover
from all of your machines. Backup your home, office
and laptop computers all on one account for easy
access to ALL your files from anywhere.

  Unlimited Versions & Powerful Recovery

Keep an unlimited version history of all your files roll back
your books to last year's tax records if you wish. Use our
time machine feature to go back to the date you want to
restore and recover that snapshot of files & versions.

 Global Roaming Access to Your Files

Because your data is being backed up daily to the
ZIO Backup Server Grid - you can access your data
anywhere in the world using just a web-browser. Never
be without that critical file again.
Fully Flexible Scheduling

Monthly, weekly, daily, hourly or instant backup.


Engage Zio LiveProtect to have Zio back up files as
soon as a change is detected.
One-Click File & Folder Sharing

From inside the Online Recovery Interface you can
share your files with anyone to an email address. Never
have a large attachment bounce again. Just share your
backed-up data with your friends and colleagues. Or if
you are a home user – simply share photos or videos.

 Enterprise Compression & Transfer Systems

Zio compression system only backs up changed files and
then only the changed 1's and 0's are transferred. On a
500 MB database (MYOB/Intuit/Turbo Tax) the daily
transfer can be as small as 5 KB. Our transfer system is
enterprise grade, meaning that large file transfers are
resumed at the KB of interruption, and does not start at
the beginning like most online backup systems.


Unlike other online backup systems, we do not delete
the file from your backup just because you delete the
file from your computer. Over 80% of data loss occurs
due to accidental deletion. Rest assured, we keep every
version of every file forever. Unless you choose to
remove it.
Intelligent File Filters

Tell Zio Online Backup to watch your My Documents
folder but to ignore all *.mp3's and *.avi's. Alternatively, tell
Zio to only protect *.doc, and *.xls. Either use our presets,
or set your own inclusion/exclusion mask.
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