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Cloud Hosting

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Migrating To The Cloud In 2011....

Cloud Shared Hosting:

The term Cloud Hosting is determined more and more by the company providing the services. We aim to provide cloud hosting with the ability to host 100 websites with the starter account that will be in the realm of $130-$150 a month. The best part about these services is that there will never be down time and backups are instantaneous in the cloud. If part of the cloud goes down a backup is instantly accessed from the backup systems and the cloud is repartitioned. There is no single point in failure for this network design. The systems used to power the cloud will be cutting edge technology on an AMD Infrastructure. I will be publishing the information on these systems more in depth in the very near future.

Cloud Server Hosting:

Imagine being able to provision a server in minutes or upgrade a server automatically. This is the idea behind Cloud Technology. Totally customizable, each Cloud Hosting Account gives you full root access to your Linux distribution or Windows image of choice. Your price depends on how large a server you buy.

Based on Xen Virtualization technology, Cloud Servers brings the power of the cloud to the traditional server-based hosting model. Just like a dedicated server, your Cloud Server provides total flexibility for you to run anything you want from a Java website to a Ruby on Rails application to a .NET application.


Cloud Server Network Design:


Availability, self-healing & automatic failover

The Zio Cloud Network features extremely robust failover mechanisms, with intelligent monitoring of cloud services and nodes, and automatic service restoration in case of failure. If a hypervisor fails, the Zio Cloud Network will automatically relocate its virtual machines and reroute application data. The Zio Network also enables automatic periodic data backup, as well as emergency backup, as part of a disaster recovery system. The Zio Network controls the physical and virtual routing of SANs, which enables seamless SAN failover management. This ensures system reliability and enterprise-class resilience for your cloud hosting service.